Screening Reimbursement Terms
– for applicable studies
We reimburse you for your time, travel, parking, and any inconvenience caused during your screening visit for a clinical trial. This includes a reimbursement of $100 to $250 just for attending and completing the screening.
What to know about screening reimbursement:
You qualify for reimbursement if:
You’re excluded due to medical reasons discovered during the screening (e.g., vital signs or blood test results outside the study’s criteria).
You won’t be reimbursed if:
You failed to disclose your medical history during the pre-screen questionnaire and screening call (honesty is crucial for your safety and the study’s success).
You test positive for alcohol, nicotine, or illegal drugs.
You do not follow and conform to the study instructions (explained in the PICF, Participant Information and Consent Form).
Important notes
The screening reimbursement is part of the overall compensation for participating in the study (if you qualify).
The exact amount of reimbursement depends on the specific trial. You’ll find this information in the Participant Information and Consent Form provided before your screening.